Wednesday, March 14
Scripture: John 12:20-33

Now my soul is troubled. And what shall I say – “Father save me from this hour?” No, it is for this reason I have come to this hour. John 12:27

None of us likes to go through a trial or a test. We think that having a carefree life would be the ultimate ideal in how we should experience life in its fullness. However, it is only when we learn to embrace the bitter with the sweet that we appreciate how blessed we really are as we learn that every adversity carries within it the seed of an equivalent or even greater benefit. It is this seed that holds the essence of this life and our eternal place that Jesus says he has gone to prepare for each and every one of us.

I seek to find the lesson that is to be learned as a challenging situation comes my way. Jesus sets this example for us in this passage when he faces head-on the reality of why he came into this world. He came into this world to save us from our sins and to open the door to a relationship with God that would be eternal in a place that is too beautiful to describe with human language. This understanding puts all things into perspective when the thought of taking up my own cross to follow Jesus seems unpleasant and unappealing. Now I can see that this life is not a sprint but indeed a marathon that I must run with patience one day at a time.

All of us have a great calling and a purpose. I find great joy every day as I seek the Lord while he may be found. Only in Jesus Christ can our troubled hearts find hope and healing for our souls.

Prayer: Dear Lord, there is a life that we are called to that is magnificent and wondrous in its eternal value. May each of us die daily to our selfish whims as we give our seeds to you knowing that we will have an overflowing and bounteous supply that is truly beyond measure.

 – Paul Heffron

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