Saturday, March 9
This passage of scripture opens by stating, “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit.” This simple statement can be easy to pass by very quickly. However, it is one of the most fundamental expressions of a very important truth to understand. The Christian life cannot be lived by ordinary human strength. In fact, it is impossible. Jesus was able to conquer the flesh in the temptations that Satan is giving him here because he was endued with power from on high. It was the Holy Spirit that not only empowered Jesus but who will also empower the believer who places their trust in God.

There have been so many pitfalls that I’ve been able to avoid because of my practicing this truth. I say “practice” because it does not develop overnight. After many years now I’ve come to a place where I can discern the tactics of the enemy who will do anything he can to keep me from being who and what I
was created for…to glorify God and to enjoy God forever.

Total reliance on the Holy Spirit has brought me wisdom and victory over numerous temptations. Even if I have a temporary setback, I know I will come back stronger than before because I will have learned something of the grace and mercy of God. This will lead me to having more compassion for others, especially for those who have not yet come to know the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for the provision of the Holy Spirit, given so that your people can have victory over Satan and his tactics. May we continue to walk in obedience as we follow the example of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

 – Paul Heffron

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