Friday, March 13
Having read this passage many times, the one thing that has always stood out to me is the fact that the woman’s name is not in the scripture. Without her given name we are free to step into her story more fully and scribble our names in the margin, Ann, Elizabeth, even Sadye.

Like the woman, I have been to the well many times in my life as I have dealt with the challenges of everyday living, but whenever I have gone to the “well” for that refreshing and saving sip, Christ has met me there.

This story tells us how easy it is to talk with Jesus. Just like Jesus knew all about this woman’s life, He knows all about you and me, our successes and our failures and still, He talked to her and offered her compassion and reassurance. He had what she needed.

If we reached out to Him and talk with Him every day, He has everything we need, and He understands whatever you are going through. If we stay filled through prayer daily it will be easier to share this “water” with others.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are thirsty, hungry people stumbling through the world in need of a drink of living water from the well. Let us strive to lead a better life knowing that you will always meet us there to revive our longing spirits. Amen.

 – Sadye Sanders

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