NCCC Foundation
Advancing your Washington Witness for all Disciples of Christ
Today, Disciples around the world are represented in Washington, DC, not only by elected and appointed officials, but also by National City Christian Church, a National Church, that is owned and supported by all members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
In 1926 the International Convention, now called the General Assembly, of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) voted to establish a Foundation “to hold in trust, preserve, and maintain for all Disciples the physical facilities of National City Christian Church.” This decision stemmed from Alexander Campbell’s call, in 1851, that the denomination should “have the largest meeting house in Washington City and there…stand up in the presence of kings and Earth’s nobility and proclaim the unknown Gospel.”
From 1851 to 1926 to 2022, the National City Christian Church and its Foundation exists as the means by which the whole people of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) may participate in the growing ministry of their own National Church.
For more information about how you or friends can help sustain the mission and vision of National City Christian Church Foundation, please contact the President of the Foundation, Rev. Stephanie Kendell at 202-232-0323, ext. 114 or
Pillars of Support: Supporting Your National Church
Gifts now:
Although most gifts are given from current income by cash, check or through our website, there are additional tax advantages of giving a gift of appreciated stock. In your retirement years, you might also consider donating from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA Account) through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) which also offers additional tax benefits. Our partners at the Christian Church Foundation, 800-668-8016, would be happy to answer any questions about such gifting opportunities.

Gifts later:
Life Insurance– Maybe you established a life insurance policy years ago for the benefit of children or other loved ones and now the beneficiaries no longer will need that benefit. You can simply contact your insurance provider and name the National City Christian Church Foundation as a percentage beneficiary of that policy.
Retirement Accounts– Do you know that your retirement accounts (401(k), 403(b), IRA) pass by beneficiary designation just like an insurance policy? Providing an end-of-life gift is simple. Contact your retirement account administrator and ask to update your beneficiary designation form and add the National City Christian Church Foundation as a percentage beneficiary. This is a very tax-efficient way to offer a gift. If this asset passes to loved ones, they will need to pay tax on the gift. But 100% of the money going to a charitable organization from a traditional retirement account will benefit the charity. It is not taxed!
Last Will and Testament and Revocable Trusts- Include a gift to the National City Christian Church Foundation in these documents. If you don’t currently have a Will, now is a very good time to contact a local attorney and execute your end-of-life documents. If you have not reviewed these documents in the last five years, please do so now and consider adding a gift to the Foundation.
Life Income Gifts– Do you know that there are also ways to give a gift away, receive tax benefit for giving it, maintain a stream of income for as long as you live and then provide a gift to National City at the end of your life? Both a Charitable Gift Annuity and Charitable Trust make this possible. It might be a great opportunity for you.
Advice and Counsel: We work with our trusted partners at the Christian Church Foundation on all issues related to planned giving. We encourage you to contact them for a free and confidential conversation. Our representative is Randy Johnson who can be reached at 800-668-8016 or at .
The ministry of the National City Christian Church Foundation has been undergirded by a host of visionary leaders. R. A. Long, a well-known Disciple philanthropist, became the Foundation’s first president and served in that capacity for many years. Rev. Dr. A. Dale Fiers, the first to serve as General Minister and President of the denomination, carried the torch of leadership into the modern era. Theodore P. Beasley, business executive and philanthropist, picked up the reigns as the organization was restructured into its current form, and funded the construction of the building which houses the Foundation offices.

Each of these devoted leaders saw the importance of partnering with the outstanding succession of ministers who have served the congregation and who have personally embodied the Gospel to which they bore witness. Pastors like Dr. James T. Barclay, Dr. Earle Wilfley, Dr. H. H. Harmon, Dr. Raphael H. Miller, Dr. J. Warren Hastings, Dr. George R. Davis, Dr. William C. Howland, Jr., Dr. Alvin O. Jackson, and Dr. Stephen W. Gentle have nurtured the people and expanded the witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Washington and throughout the world. Under the leadership of Trustee Chairperson John Arterberry, the Foundation is poised to provide the resources by which the congregation is able to fulfill the vision both as a vocal witness for the gospel and as a leader among Disciples everywhere.