Chalice Fellowship

Creating your legacy…a legacy of compassion and a gift for the future.
Planning ahead to continue to be a loving presence in the life of National City Christian Church.

“The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed;
Those who help others are helped.”

Proverbs 11:25

Who are Chalice Fellowship members?

Chalice Fellowship honors those who choose through their end-of-life planned gifts, to support the ministries and facilities of National City Christian Church for future generations.

Why have a Chalice Fellowship?

Chalice Fellowship has been created as a witness to the love of our church by those who have included National City Christian Church in their end-of-life plans. Chalice Fellowship allows the church to recognize their commitment to the church’s future and to thank them for their generosity to this unique Disciple’s witness in the Nation’s Capital. Furthermore, acknowledgement of this bequest becomes a testimony itself, which invites others to share in the joy and blessing of true Christian stewardship. Including the church in your inheritance planning is oftentimes the single largest act of stewardship a Christian will take. It is worthy of honor.

Why now?

When National City Christian Church celebrated the 85th anniversary of the dedication of the Sanctuary, this celebration recalled the vision of our founder Alexander Campbell who stated, “We ought to have the largest meeting house in Washington City and there also, a stationed advocate of the great cause we plead.”

In preparing for the next 85 years of ministry, it is vitally important to look forward and secure a strong financial foundation for the future of our church’s critical presence and ministry on behalf of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in our Nation’s Capital.

Chalice Fellowship was formed to support and recognize those who make this commitment to the future of the church.

How do we identify Chalice Fellowship members?

Those indicating that they are naming, or have named, the church as beneficiary in their inheritance planning, regardless of the amount, will be designated members of Chalice Fellowship.

The leadership of our church will make an ongoing effort to educate our members and friends about planned giving. A celebratory event will be held each year on the Sunday nearest All Saint’s Day to recognize, with their permission, members of Chalice Fellowship. Members will also be invited to other special events, such as luncheons or dinners, to celebrate God’s blessings through the lives of Chalice Fellowship members.

What types of gifts are included as bequests?

Becoming a Chalice Fellowship member is as simple as naming National City Christian Church as a beneficiary in any of the following types of planned gifts:


Our church can be included as a beneficiary in one’s will, for either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of an estate. You may wish to contact your attorney to learn if a codicil can be added to your will to include the church as beneficiary.

Life Insurance Policies

Naming our church as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a simple way to include the church in planned giving.

IRA or other Retirement Account

When you leave a tax-deferred gift, such as an IRA, to family or friends, it becomes taxable income to that person, subject to Federal income tax. Since our church is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, an IRA transfers to the church without any tax consequences. Therefore 100% of a gifted IRA will benefit the future ministry of the church.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Charitable Gift Annuities are an attractive way to provide lifetime income for an individual or a couple, while creating an income tax deduction for the donor and leaving a planned gift for the church. National City Christian Church works with Christian Church Foundation in Indianapolis to establish gift annuities. The minimum amount of an annuity is $2,500. The actual annual percentage rates of payout are based on the ages of the individual or couple creating the annuity.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust can be an attractive and tax effective way to gift highly appreciated land or stocks as end-of-life gift to your church. These gifts are funded with $100,000 or more and require the creation of a trust document.

Four Naming Options for Your Bequest

“NCCC Congregation”

Funds are spent as part of the Congregation’s annual budget, which is used for ministry and mission.

“NCCC Local Trustees”

These funds are invested and utilized for education grants or special charitable needs for church members.

“NCCC Foundation”

Funds are used to maintain the facilities of the church, so that ministries can take place under intact roofs and with functioning systems. Funds are also used to maintain the musical instruments of the church, including the renowned Moller pipe organs and Steinway concert grand pianos. Gifts that specify NCCC Foundation are placed into the Permanent Endowment, with approximately 5% spent annually.

“National City Christian Church”

For persons who do not specify any of the above or those interested in leaving a bequest that benefits the immediate and future needs of National City Christian Church—Congregation and Foundation—may designate their end-of-life gift to “National City Christian Church”. 

These gifts will be distributed as follows:

10% for immediate use by NCCC Congregation

10% for immediate use by NCCC Foundation

40% added to NCCC Congregation’s Permanent Fund (newly established in 2017)

40% added to NCCC Foundation Endowment.

The Board of Local Trustees will meet quarterly to administer the NCCC Congregation’s Permanent Fund, and will provide a written annual report to the Congregational Board and Congregation on its status.

Become a Member

Use the form to become a member of the Chalice Fellowship, or to request more information.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Would You Like to Learn More?

If so, please contact:

Rev. Randy Johnson

Christian Church Foundation (Indianapolis)


Rev. Steven Baines

National City Christian Church Foundation
