Building a Congregation of Stewards
As we look at the breadth of the ministry now offered at National City Christian Church we see what happens when committed Christians come together.
The combined spiritual gifts of hundreds of people work to create a powerful witness. We commit ourselves to the regular practice of prayer for our own Christian witness, for our National City church family, and for all who share in and are touched by our ministry.
Give Today

Financial resources of spirit-filled people make possible ever-growing ministries. We commit to regularly returning a portion of our personal financial resources for the ongoing work of the church.
Making Our Commitment Known
In an atmosphere of mutual trust, many church members feel confident in following the traditional practice of annually pledging funds for support of our shared work. These pledges, held in confidence to the extent each person desires, facilitate planning of the annual operating budget of the church and its varied ministries. Our stewardship may additionally be expressed in special gifts celebrating the lives of honored and loved ones and in contributions to either National City Christian Church or for specific areas of church mission. For more information about how your gifts can impact the life and ministries of National City, please contact our Pastor, Rev. Stephanie Kendell, at 202-232-0323, ext. 114 or