What to Expect

At National City, we seek to help everyone journey toward a fuller commitment to Christ

by being an inclusive church family that fully embraces in its life and ministries

people of every race, gender, age, culture, economic circumstance,

sexual/gender orientation, family configuration, physical or mental condition,

and all other distinctions that are the rich tapestry of God’s Creation.

Welcome All Visitors!


National City Christian Church, the national church for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), welcomes all who are searching for a spiritual home.

Whether your interests are community outreach, mutual support, worship, music, or just plain fun — you are welcome to join us and get to know the warm and caring people that are National City.

Blessings and peace,

Rev. Stephanie A. Kendell

Senior Minister


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I know about Sunday services?

Services begin at 10 am. and last about an hour..

Wear what you want! We share in the Lord’s Supper every Sunday and say the Lord’s Prayer. We smile a lot, even when wearing masks. You will make some friends. Parking is available.

Do I have to wear a mask?

At National City, we gather together as a part of the body of Christ. As a congregation, we are asking you to protect each other by following these safety protocols. 

Masks are freely available to anyone wishing to wear a mask during service but not required. As some in our community may need to wear masks for health and safety reasons, National City embraces a no mask shaming environment.

Practice safe social distancing as you feel most comfortable. We are a friendly and welcoming faith community, but also desire everyone to feel safe and respected..

Stay home when you are sick. If you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms, please remain at home and join us virtually for our online service.

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or use hand sanitizer containing at least 70% alcohol.)

Get tested if you have signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or if you think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Get vaccinated!

What do we believe?

We believe that Jesus is the Christ, son of the living God and Savior of the world. We recognize that each of us is on our own spiritual journey. All are free to come to their own understanding of faith and also be part of a spiritual Christian community.

At National City, we seek to help everyone journey toward a fuller commitment to Christ by being an inclusive church family that fully embraces in its life and ministries people of every race, gender, age, culture, economic circumstance, sexual/gender orientation, family configuration, physical or mental condition, and all other distinctions that are the rich tapestry of Gods creation. 

What denomination is National City?

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a mainline Protestant denomination with about a million members in the U.S. and Canada.  The Disciples’ identity statement is:

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.

We believe “in essentials, unity; in opinion, liberty; and in all things, love.” You can find out more about Disciples here:  http://disciples.org/

Tell me about your building.

Our church is historic – the architect is the same who designed the Jefferson Memorial and the National Archives. Two Presidents, Johnson and Garfield, worshiped here, and there are stained glass windows dedicated to them inside. Don’t be intimidated. Our building may be grand, but with you in it, it will be even grander! To schedule a tour, contact Rev. Stephanie Kendell at Skendell@nationalcitycc.org. 

Other questions? Contact one of our pastors here and we’ll be glad to talk with you.

Grow As Disciples

Christians – whether new to the faith or with a lifetime of experience – need to grow spiritually. National City wants to help you grow in your faith journey. To that end we offer:

Share God’s Love

National City invites all people to share God’s love in our community, nation, and world. We invite you to join one of our volunteer ministries by visiting our Volunteer page.

Make a Joyful Noise

Our music ministry provides artistic diversity reflecting our church membership, our neighborhood, and the international city in which we live. We hope that our music speaks directly to your soul. On any given Sunday you can sing along, or tap your foot and clap your hands to Gospel music or hear our world-renowned pipe organ and National City Singers. Come help us glorify God!