We are back! What better way for Music at Midday to restart in-person concerts than this week’s performance of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concert No. 2 by the piano and organ duo of Chuyoung and Erik Wm. Suter?
Please join us at National City Christian Church this Friday, May 7, at 12:15 p.m., for an in-person performance of this beautiful romantic music that’s perfectly suited not only for the return of live music to our Sanctuary, but to celebrate the spring season and next Sunday’s observance of Mother’s Day.
We are delighted to be welcoming this week’s performers. Chuyoung Suter is an artist known for her lyrical and expressive playing on both the piano and organ. She is the Coordinator of Piano Study for choristers at Washington National Cathedral. Erik Wm. Suter, a native of Chicago, is a musician of international acclaim. For nearly 10 years, he served as Organist at Washington National Cathedral.
As we re-open the building for Music at Midday, we will be following health safety protocols. All audience members must wear masks and remain at least six feet apart. We will also be recording the concert and will post it later in the day on the church’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Look for an email message after the live performance with links or just watch our Facebook page for a post.
Please consider making a donation now that will enable us to continue this fine concert series. To make a secure online donation, click here and be sure to type “Music at Midday” in the designation box. You may also download and print the donor form and send it with your check payable to National City Christian Church. Please write “Music at Midday” on the memo line.
Our concert series is self-supporting. We rely on the support of people like you to make possible the amazing recitals we experience here each week. As we look forward to another year of awe-inspiring musical performances, I would like to ask you to consider making a gift to help us continue and expand our Music at Midday offerings.
Music at Midday concerts are held at National City Christian Church, located at 5 Thomas Circle, NW, just a few blocks from the McPherson Square and Farragut North Metro stations. You may find complete information about Friday Music at Midday at the church’s website. If you are driving and would like to park in the church’s garage, click here for directions and instructions.