When Miriam and I made a trip to Jerusalem, the first instruction our guide gave to us was this: “You are not traveling in this land as a tourist; you are here as a pilgrim.” To travel in the places where Jesus once traveled, and to study his teachings from historic vistas described in the scriptures were meaningful moments that left us changed.

This Lenten season we are going on a journey. A journey of the heart. A journey with Jesus. Our theme is Pilgrimage: Travels and Teachings of Jesus. I hope that you will set aside some time each day for the next 40 days for this journey. If necessary, put it on your calendar. Keep your Divine appointment. Read the daily scriptures. Ask God to direct your walk that day. To increase your spiritual growth, find a group of Christians to gather with weekly and discuss your journey in that week. And above all, do not neglect your weekly worship.

These daily Lenten devotions were prepared by members and friends of National City Christian church, just for our pilgrimage together. I want to dedicate this year’s devotional to Diana Morse who has faithfully labored as our editor for over a decade. For all of her contributions to our journey of faith as National City Christian Church, I am so very grateful. This year’s devotions were collected and edited by the Reverend Steven Baines, who has blessed us on staff in this last year. You can download a copy here, or pick up a hard copy at National City.

Though we may not travel far physically, this Lenten season, let us journey together spiritually — traveling with Jesus, learning from his teachings, and the teachings of his many contemporary disciples. Remember: we are not tourists here; we are on a pilgrimage with Christ and one another!

Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Gentle
Senior Pastor

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