Tuesday, March 20
Scripture: Mark 11:1-11

As with most biblical passages, there are so many messages that can be deciphered.

One of the commentaries (The Interpreter’s Bible, Volume 7, 1989) that I read suggested that the actions like the colt being untied and taken for Jesus’ use or the unknown man helping to prepare the Last Supper (Mark 14:13-15) were not coincidental or miraculous.

Rather, these people were a part of Jesus’ “underground.” This underground in Jerusalem was comprised of friends and adherents who formed a social network, “a dependable force ‘alerted’ to Jesus’ purposes,” ready to act on his behalf.

Are you are part of Jesus’ underground today? Are you ready to contribute your time, talents, energy, resources, and possessions at a moment’s notice? How do you contribute to underground networks operating informally outside of church fellowship?

Prayer: God, in the name of Jesus, bless me to always be a part of a dependable force alerted to your purpose, ready at a moment’s notice to help the cause of Christ.

 – Beverly Goines

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