Wednesday, March 27
Many times I can jump to conclusions and perceive people and situations in such a judgmental way that makes me ashamed when I eventually find out the facts. In this regard, I am like the prodigal son’s brother who was a good son and yet had little understanding of the great lesson that is to be learned from watching his father who knew how reliant we all must be on the grace of God. It is a lesson I have to repeatedly be reminded of and seemingly relearn.

Each of us is the architect of our own lives and happiness that is created by being obedient sons and daughters of God. Sometimes the world we live in can seem like a minefield and like a good soldier we have to be perpetually vigilant. We must be like the branch on the vine that Jesus talks about in John 15 so that we can draw from the source of all wisdom and strength when we make choices that affect not only us but also more people than we may be aware of.

The blame game must be cast aside as we look on other lives thinking we know what someone should have done or not done. I’d like to believe that the lesson that the prodigal son learned from this story made him a far better and more mature man than he would have been without going through the scenario that Luke gives us here. The scriptures indeed tell us that in whom there is much forgiveness there is much love.

This story has certainly humbled me and taught me a great lesson about my own character and the example I set before others that I encounter every day. It reminds me to let the master potter continue to mold me into the best I can be as I cooperate in obedience.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that the compassionate qualities of the earthly father in this story will continue to develop in me as I look to you each day for your love and grace.

Paul Heffron

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