Easter Sunday, April 1

Today is the First day – the Lord’s Day – or Resurrection day. The Lord’s Day celebrates the beginning of the new creation – the First day – in the resurrection of Jesus. On this Sunday, we join with the communion of saints all around the world, and remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

But guess what? We have been celebrating the Resurrection each Sunday – all year long. No fooling! From Advent and Christmas through Lent and Pentecost, Christians have always considered the glorious meeting together on each Sunday morning to be the celebration of the Lord’s Day – the First day – Resurrection day! So, while our “Alleluias” have been stifled during our Lenten Sunday worship services, our Easter celebration continues 52 Sundays out the year.

What then is so significant about Easter Sunday? Today is the Resurrection day of all Resurrection days – the First day, the day of splendor, and the feast of feasts! As eighth century theologian John of Damascus wrote in the Easter hymn “Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain”:

Now the brightest season dawns with the day of splendor,
Now the royal feast of feasts comes its joy to render;
comes to glad Jerusalem, who with true affection
welcomes in unwearied strains Jesus’ resurrection.

Prayer: With great joy on this day, I pray for all Christians gathered in houses of worship all around the world. Lead and guide me in the way of a resurrected life – 365 days of the year. Help me to see the risen Lord at work – each and every day.

 – Stephen Gentle

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