An elderly aunt was driving her car, which she had long ago named “Has Been,” as she entered the parking lot with nary an empty space in sight. Just then backup lights indicated the car nearby was readying to leave. But before “Has Been” could be driven into the now empty space, another driver zipped around, beating out our exasperated aunt so that the parking lot was again full. Another car shortly departed with our aunt leaving the rude driver with sage advice when she said, “You needn’t worry about bad luck for surely good luck will never find you.”
In truth, trouble is always present in life and it seldom leaves us where it finds us. This may have been among the thoughts Jesus was expressing when He proclaimed, “Now my soul is troubled…” Surely Christ realized his troubled state was not to be His final state.
How often do we find our souls troubled? Our concerns may range from a troubled marriage, to financial worries. What about being troubled waiting for a definitive diagnosis while the mammogram shows yet another recently discovered lump? We are beset by trouble from so many sources. Our anxieties are ever present. This is when we recall the word, “temporary.”
So let us never forget that the troubled soul points to a temporary situation. “Father, save me from this hour” was not the Master’s final thought nor should it be ours, as we discover anew that no trouble ever lasts forever.
I am often comforted by a quote from one of Dr. Gentle’s sermons where he proclaims, “The will of God will never take us where the grace of God will not protect us.”
Prayer: Lord, help us to see beyond the moment, finding firm footing on higher ground as we sort out the unimportant temporal from that which will last forever as we take our places in that house not built with hands, eternal in the heavens.
– Nett Brown