Friday, February 16
Scripture: Mark 1:9-15

In this passage, Jesus is baptized by John and then unceremoniously banished into the wilderness. In his baptism, Jesus is readying himself to do God’s work and God wastes no time in immediately sending Jesus into temptation and isolation.

It’s easy to imagine Jesus’ time in the wilderness as cold and dark as he wanders through uncharted territory. It’s much more difficult to recognize the wilderness in our own lives when we feel isolated and unsure of our direction. Certainly at times it is seemingly impossible to emerge from difficult phases ready to proclaim our continued faith in God, as Jesus does in the passage. Yet, in spite of its difficulties, God asks us to worship him in both our trying and happy moments of life. In return, God promises to be with us always. Whether or not you find yourself in the wilderness this Lent, know that God is with you. Like God sent his Angels to be with Jesus, God sends us his community in church to support us when we need it most.

Prayer: God, help us to recognize the wilderness in our own lives and give us the strength to emerge from these difficult times proclaiming our faith in you.

 – Ana-Elisa Gentle

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