Tuesday, March 10
Why did Jesus come to the well? Why did the Samaritan woman come to the well? Why do you or I come to the well (church)? What are we looking for? Who do we think we might encounter there?
The Samaritan woman certainly got more than she had expected. Her heart was not necessarily prepared to meet Jesus. Was she even looking for Him? She maybe was expecting to be filled with water, but with living water? What is that? Surprise, there was Jesus offering her living water, God’s Spirit and love.
Are our hearts open to receive the message Jesus brings to us? Do we recognize the Christ, the Messiah? Are we open to His love and mercy? Do we even recognize Him? Are we prepared for this exciting encounter?
The all-knowing Jesus recognizes our needs and is prepared to fill them.
Prayer: Help us, Lord Jesus, to open our hearts and minds to your presence and to accept you into our lives. May we share you with others as the Samaritan woman did in John 4:28-29. Amen.
Kathleen Swihart