Dear Friends Of National City,
After much consideration, coordination, and prayer, we have decided that it is in the best interest for the community health of all concerned: members, tenants, visitors, and the good of the larger community to close our facilities for all activities until Sunday, March 29th. We will then reconvene for the 10 a.m. worship service to celebrate in renewal and dedication that indeed our God is good!
The decision to close National City has not been made lightly; but as the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has continued to cause community leaders to re-evaluate protocols and community safety practices, we feel that we have a higher obligation to do all that is within our power to help mitigate the spread of this pandemic. We can only do so by closing our facility and begin the diligent process of sanitizing of our public spaces.
We know this is an inconvenience and heartbreak for all who love this great church and her campus. We assure you that closing is absolutely necessary for everyone’s safety. However, you can still do your part to help our broader community and National City Christian Church:
1) You can join us on Facebook Live @NationalCityCC this Sunday at 10 a.m. for a mini-message of love and affirmation from one of our ministers, Rev. Steven Baines. He will also post on the church’s website, and Facebook page.
2) You can continue to support you church and its vital ministry by giving here: TITHELY It is important that we continue give from our abundance during this time that we are physically away from each other and this church facility. Remember we, God’s people, ARE National City Christian Church.
Rev. Baines and our staff are also working on accommodations so the vital ministry of our food pantry can continue while our building is closed to serve those in need.
Finally, our prayers, thoughts, and love are with you each of you as together, with God’s grace, we face these difficult times. You may contact either of us at or if you have any needs that arise in the next two weeks. If you can think of someone who may not have received this message, please call them both to check on them and to make sure they are aware of the closure. We may have to maintain physical distance from each other, but we are still able to lift each other up in Christ.
Peace and blessings for good health and safety. We look forward to seeing you March 29th at 10 a.m.
Alan S. Williams, Moderator
Rev. Steven C. Baines, Senior Strategist